Janet Mason

”Dave thanked Cord, and then waited for one of the others on his list. He was rehearsing what to say to them so that he didn’t sound too controlling, yet he wanted to try to regain control of the situation.Tatiana finally appeared coming from inside Owen’s home. She looked freshly showered and also had a post-sex glow about her. Dave got her a cup of coffee and had her join him.“Tatiana, tell me about Jasmine and Chelsea.”Tatiana smiled and asked with some enthusiasm, “Did you get to be with. Two of the best looking men in my life, whom I hadn't seen in ages, suddenly turning up out of the blue. Keith stood there looking taller, more handsome and much more fuckable than I'd ever seen him. He was wearing a black leather jacket and was holding a brightly coloured crash helmet." Hi Ann," he said grinning from ear to ear, "Sorry I've not been in touch, I've had some revision and exams to do at school. But I've left now and I'm working part-time with a computer firm. I've come round to. I started chatting with a few here and there. One guy started a chat with me and I told him my situation. I was drunk and lonely lol. I said I'd never been with a guy. He asked what I was looking for and I replied that I didn't really know. He suggested I stop over and see what I liked. With the alcohol lowering my inhibitions I figure why not. I finished my drink and headed over. When I got there he was a good looking guy even if he was a bit older than me. I was extremely nervous. I could. "Because you were one of my closest friends and I did actually love you for who you were, not because of whom else you might have looked like. I actually loved you all. I just couldn't have you all and at the same time."But Rachel you can't wait for me and you should believe me when I say that you will find the perfect man for you. I've already seen it and lived that time along with you. It will be scary how much you two go together. But to make it happen, you will have to stop seeing the guys.
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